Andrea Bulgarelli, Nicolò Parmiggiani برنامه ها

AGILEScience 2.1.3
"AGILE: from Black Holes to the Earth" AGILE is a satellite of theItalian Space Agency (ASI) dedicated to unveiling the most excitingmysteries of our Universe. Black holes, neutron stars, stellarexplosions, very far galaxies from deep space and other exoticcosmic sources emit very energetic radiation (gamma-rays) thatAGILE is able to detect in orbit. Launched in 2007, the satelliteis currently observing the Universe with many surprises and crucialdiscoveries. AGILE contributes also to the study of the Earthhaving detected hundreds of "terrestrial gamma-ray flashes"associated with lighnting in energetic thunderstorms. Their impactfor the environment is under study. Thus, AGILE reaches thefrontiers of our knowledge for both the remote cosmos and ourplanet Earth, a very important synergy for our society. The AGILEproject is the re